How do I activate my daily subscription?
The subscription activation process is very simple.
- Transfer 50 HBD to @hivesql (no memo is required)*
Click here to execute the transfer with HiveSigner - As soon as @hivesql receives your payment, your activation will be processed
- You will receive a micro-transfer back from @hivesql.

The memo of the transfer contains your credentials and is encrypted.
To see its content, you must log in with your memo key.

The memo that comes with this transfer contains the following information:
- the server hostname to connect to HiveSQL.
- the database name
- your personal login
- your password
- the expiration date and time of your current subscription.
Your subscription will be valid for 1 month, starting when you receive the transfer from @hivesql.
You can make multiple payments of the daily fee if you want to subscribe for several days.
How do I extend or renew my daily subscription?
The process is the same.
- Transfer 50 HBD to @hivesql (no memo is required)*
- You will receive a micro-transfer back from @hivesql.
The memo is encrypted and to see its content, you must log in with your memo key.
The memo will mention when your extended subscription will expire
What happens if my subscription expires?
You will no more be able to connect HiveSQL with your login information.
You can reactivate your subscription at any time and you will get new login information.
Users with an active subscription will be entitled to priority support.
Support for HiveSQL will be provided on Discord in the #HiveSQL dedicated channel.
- Be careful to send the correct amount for your subscription!
All HBD / HIVE sent to @hivesql with an amount different than the daily or monthly fee will be considered a donation to the HiveSQL project. - There will be no refund unless it is proven that you have not received confirmation of your subscription via a transfer with your login information.
*Subscription fees may change. Check this website. before activating or renewing your HiveSQL subscription.